Victorian Gas Networks Stakeholder Roundtable
The Victorian Gas Networks Stakeholder Roundtable (VGNSR) was established to be involved in the end-to-end development and refinement of our Gas Access Arrangement Review (GAAR) proposal.
The Roundtable brought together customer and other stakeholder advocates who represented a wide range of Victorian gas end-users, including customers in vulnerable circumstances, aged customers, culturally and linguistically diverse customers, businesses of all sizes and across all industries, social service organisations, local government, property developers, gas plumbers and appliance manufacturers.
The role of the Roundtable and its members was to be involved in the development of our proposal and ensure it is balanced and meets the needs of customers and stakeholders, collaborate on the design of our engagement activities so that we deliver best practice, fit for purpose engagement, advocate in the interests of the customer groups they represent to make certain our proposal delivers value for all customers and challenge our businesses to deliver the best possible outcomes for current and future customers.