We are committed to delivering value-for-money services and acting in our customers’ best long-term interests. This flows through to the way we work and the decisions we make day-to-day.

Our purpose is simple: Connect communities with energy and accelerate a sustainable future.

Understanding our customers – what they need and want from their energy supply, how they use energy now and how that might change in the future – and the communities they live in is central to our business planning. Knowing this, and putting customers at the centre of our plans, helps us continually improve our services.

What is customer engagement?

Engagement with and understanding of our customers and stakeholders needs is becoming more important as customers become more socially aware and are starting to seek new and innovate ways of sourcing and using their energy. Customers want to play a part in how the energy industry moves into the future. This makes engaging with our customers even more important.

Why we engage

We know that our customers and stakeholders have great ideas, and different perspectives to our own. We want to empower customers to interact with us through a variety of channels, providing us with valuable insights and data to help us continue to improve our energy services.

When we develop plans for our networks, we need to understand and balance the needs of our diverse customers, our business and our various other stakeholders. Proactively including customers in this planning gives us the best chance at balancing the broad range of needs and finding solutions that work for all. It also helps us avoid the costs of regulatory intervention and operate more efficiently (and keep costs down for customers).

Our engagement approach

Our customers opinions matter to us and as such we strive to make engagement with AusNet:

  • accessible for our diverse customers and stakeholders by providing more opportunities to share feedback and multiple channels for doing so (including digital ones)
  • visible, by sharing our learnings and engagement activities with our customers, stakeholders and industry colleagues
  • meaningful, by showing how customer and stakeholder input is shaping AusNet.

Community Hub helps us achieve this, by providing an accessible online channel for people to learn about and participate in our engagement activities. The role of Community Hub is to give our customers opportunities to engage with and influence the AusNet activities that interest them, and to share what we’re up to in the engagement space more widely.

How we engage

We engage with our customers and other stakeholders in a variety of ways, including forums, workshops and research programs.

As our projects evolve we will open up customer surveys looking for input into on a broad range of topics, we will ask for feedback on our plans before we submit them to the regulator for approval and there will also be opportunities for customers to take part in a range of workshops.Details of many of these activities will be shared on the Community Hub and you can sign up to be notified of any upcoming activities.

Community Hub will also be used to provide information and updates on a wide range of topics such as our regulatory reviews, research and trials that are being undertaken and outcomes of our customer reporting.