Retailer Reference Group

We held regular meetings with the RRG to involve them in the design of our proposal and consulted with them on our reference services proposal and terms and conditions. Gas retailers play a major role in our customers’ experience and are, therefore, critically important stakeholders. We have many touchpoints with retailers during the usual course of our business, but we formally engage via the RRG. Retailers’ interests centre on certain parts of our proposals, such as terms and conditions, tariff structures, prices and activities that directly impact them - such as a PSP or changes to metering.

RRG meetings were held every one-to-two months, and we used this time to discuss relevant aspects of our proposals as they are being developed. The RRG’s role was to communicate what they need from our network and provide us with feedback on our proposal – from their position as both an important stakeholder group and as a critical conduit between networks and end-customers.

Slide packs from the RRG forums can be found on the Gas Matters portal.