Our transmission network

Our transmission network transports power from where it’s generated to Victoria’s 5 distribution networks (including our own). We sit in the middle of the National Electricity Market (NEM), so our networks provide an important link between Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and Tasmania.

The transmission network largely consists of high-voltage cables and towers to support them, as well as transformers. This infrastructure moves electricity from where it’s generated, such as a coal plant or solar or wind farm, to an electrical substation. At the substation, the voltage is stepped down and the electricity is then fed into the various distribution networks, which take it to the end-customer.

Transmission revenue reset (TRR)

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is responsible for regulating Australian electricity transmission, which falls under a national framework.

Every 5 years, AusNet must submit a plan to the AER for the next 5-year regulatory period, which outlines how we, as Victoria’s only electricity transmission business, will use our revenue to maintain the state’s transmission network. This process is known as the Transmission Revenue Review (TRR).

Our engagement activities

The process for setting revenue and prices begins with us undertaking extensive engagement with our internal and external stakeholders to understand the needs of the network, our customers, stakeholders, and other factors that impact how we operate and spend money on our network. Our regulatory proposals include details of our spending plans, which focus on efficiently maintaining the reliability and safety of the network and delivering valued services for customers. Our customers, their representatives and other interested parties are encouraged to provide feedback and submissions.

Our Transmission Customer Advisory Panel, which now meets as a business-as-usual AusNet forum, was established to support the TRR 2022-27 and was the key body for the engagement we undertook to inform our proposal.

We also administered a series of deep dives during our post-lodgement engagement to further refine our proposal and reflect new information that was received. This

To develop our proposal, we worked closely with our directly-connected transmission customers, distribution networks, customer advocates and generators. We also worked to ensure it aligned with our end-customers’ needs, largely via research activities that applied to both electricity transmission and distribution.

Our current regulatory period expires on 31 March 2027.  Read our Transmission Revenue Review Proposal 2022-2027 on the AER website or visit the AusNet website.

Engagement preparations for our 2027-32 regulatory proposal will start in 2024.

Keep an eye out for more information closer to this time.