What is the Transmission Revenue Reset (TRR) 2027-2032?

The Transmission Revenue Reset (TRR) is the formal process undertaken every five years with the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) to plan our transmission network expenses. The next TRR period starts on July 1, 2027. Our five-year plan, referred to as a Revenue Proposal, must be submitted to the AER by October 31, 2025. The AER will review our plan and decide our revenues, which will affect the price customers pay for electricity, as well as the types and quality of services we deliver.

We are responsible for keeping the transmission network reliable and safe. Therefore, our TRR proposal will focus on the costs and revenues needed to manage non-contestable transmission projects and infrastructure in a manner that is consistent with customers' long-term interests.

Our customers, their representatives and other interested parties are encouraged to provide feedback and submissions.

Our transmission network

As operator of the Victoria electricity transmission network, we transport electricity from large coal, gas and renewable generators across Victoria and interstate, to terminal stations that supply large customers and the distribution networks. Those networks then deliver the electricity to households and businesses.

Image of transmission powerlines in a field at sunset

Our engagement plan

View our TRR 2027-2032 Engagement Plan

Our engagement plan is a 'living' document, which outlines the engagement we will undertake on our TRR 2027-32 program until we submit our proposal to the AER on 31 October 2025.

We both recognise, and support this document changing over time, as customers and other stakeholders begin their engagement activities with us, and as environmental circumstances continue to change.

We invite you to provide your feedback on our engagement plan via the following form.

Designing our engagement plan

Our TRR 2027-2032 engagement plan is the result of a co-design process with customer representatives and other stakeholders, and build on:

  • ongoing customer research
  • our own experience engaging across our three regulated networks
  • engagement guidelines and best practices.

Overseen by the Transmission Stakeholder Advisory Panel

To help ensure that we are engaging on the right topics with the right people, we will frequently be meeting with our Transmission Stakeholder Advisory Panel (TSAP) throughout the process of creating our TRR 2027-2032 proposal.

View our Transmission Stakeholder Advisory Panel Terms of Reference