
Vulnerability Roundtable

15 May 2023

Some issues are best addressed as an industry

On Tuesday 9 May 2023 we hosted a Vulnerability Roundtable with our fellow Victorian electricity distribution businesses CitiPower and Powercor, Jemena and United Energy.

The aim was to come together as an industry to listen deeply and develop a joint understanding of the challenges customers will face as the energy system changes. We discussed the potential impacts of the #energytransition, complexity of the sector, and the importance of building customers’ agency so they can better take charge of their energy futures.

It was a powerful and impactful session and opened our eyes to both challenges and opportunities. A huge thank you to attendees including from Brotherhood of St Laurence, Consumer Action Law Centre, Uniting, Victorian Council of Social Service, Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria, Anglicare Victoria, Vinnies Victoria, Australian Energy Regulator, DEEC and Victorian Department of Families, Fairness & Housing for giving their time, energy and ideas.

Joint engagement initiatives, such as the Vulnerability Roundtable, form an important part of AusNet’s broader engagement approach for our Electricity Distribution Price Reset (EDPR) 2026-31.

Learn more about how we are engaging customers and stakeholders in the energy transition at our EDPR 2026-31 Engagement page.

This item was originally published on LinkedIn on Thursday 11 May 2023.